Use "mobilization|mobilizations" in a sentence

1. IT 37 MOBILIZATION Advanceno mobilization advance or advance on machinery will be given

2. This was civic mobilization.

3. During the next 3 weeks, the passive mobilization is changed to active mobilization, starting with assisted exercises.

4. Guinea-Bissau: A Study in Political Mobilization, 1974

5. Initially, resource mobilization was voluntary and ad hoc.

6. Number odds mobilization, the number column prompted discoloration.

7. Exercises For Stiff Ankles: Static Ankle Mobilization

8. Feeling this world seem childishness general mobilization.

9. Choline Bitartrate increases the mobilization of fatty acids.

10. Initially, resource mobilization was voluntary and ad hoc

11. This has a cost and requires resources mobilization.

12. Effective mobilization and allocation of resources for the Peacebuilding Fund

13. The secretariat for Mass Mobilization and Revolutionary Guidance was abolished.

14. Poor Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Mobilization or Poor Harvest?

15. They have already begun their national mobilization for war.

16. Mobilization of the fixated Arytenoid in the stenotic posterior laryngeal commissure

17. Initially, mobilization had served to increase government control of public affairs.

18. In other words, the economic cost of national economy mobilization comprises accounting cost of national economy mobilization and actual economic loss caused by certain crisis situation.

19. (a) “Budget” includes public revenue mobilization, budget allocation and expenditures of States;

20. On 2 August, Wilhelm II ordered German mobilization against France and Russia.

21. We encourage the mobilization of international trade as a tool for development.

22. The unspoken mobilization order for the silkworm campaign reached everywhere and everyone.

23. The mobilization of resources by state planning expanded the country's industrial base.

24. The fabric of political debate and mobilization is both narrower and wider.

25. One of the key findings is the role of overburden in bitumen mobilization.

26. We encourage the mobilization of international trade as a tool for development

27. Exposure of the medial retinaculum and mobilization of the vastus medialis muscle subcutaneously.

28. Method for purifying acidic water in-situ, suppressing continuing pollutant mobilizations, and immobilizing metals, in particular heavy metals, arsenic, natural radionuclides, and free hydrogen ions

29. After the war began, political mobilization was very far from extensive, let alone thoroughgoing.

30. Converge is an office of the Student Mobilization Centre of the University of the Nations

31. Method of mobilization (market or intervention and, if the latter, the agency holding the stock)

32. Cranial cutting out of the lag screw was only seen during postoperative mobilization.

33. The recent Mobilization for Global Justice raises the question: economic boom for whom?

34. What if you got them all appealing on the same wavelength behind political mobilization?

35. The Artivist Network has organized and supported spaces for the creation of art around mass mobilizations and international climate conferences on five continents.

36. Headquarters and fields offices are strategically aligned around the corporate resource mobilization priorities of UNRWA

37. The aim is always rapid mobilization to achieve independence in activities of daily living.

38. From his side of the racial divide, the ordeal of mobilization proved simply redundant.

39. “I was part of the student mobilization arrangement assigned to construct air-raid shelters,” he explains.

40. On the home front, mobilization of the U.S. economy was managed by Roosevelt's War Production Board.

41. His concept of manual therapy coined the terms “mobilizations with movement” (MWMS) of the extremities, and “sustained natural Apophyseal glides” (SNAGS) of the spine

42. In addition, strengthened fiscal discipline and domestic revenue mobilization are needed to reduce debt vulnerabilities.

43. 26 But that same Antislavery mobilization, for all its breadth, never really threatened the power of

44. Anatomic reconstruction of proximal ulna and olecranon fractures allowing early mobilization and prevention of ulnohumeral arthritis.

45. A two-step Bioleaching process was followed under cyanide-forming conditions for maximum metals mobilization.

46. Acting Manager Director, Country Programmes and Funds Mobilization Division (from August 1997 to March 1998).

47. Partnerships and resource mobilization would be accelerated as part of the 100-day action plan.

48. They cited the unprecedented mobilization of people, money and executive attention for the repair effort.

49. · Side events at OEWG-V and COP8 on resource mobilization explaining processes and procedures to access funds.

50. The current CG format, designed 20 years ago, served primarily as a platform for ODA resource mobilization.

51. Meanwhile, Dudayev had ordered a general mobilization, and claimed a share of Soviet military hardware.

52. Brutal repression broke the strike, and mobilization for the war initially subdued the labour movement.

53. Without the mobilization and full participation of social movements there will be no genuine agrarian reform.

54. Without the mobilization and full participation of social movements there will be no genuine agrarian reform

55. Therefore, the timely mobilization of resources from donors is essential to the success of mine action programmes.

56. It is important to broaden resource mobilization and to identify alternative and additional sources of funding.

57. Despite the loss of the cities, the regional commander, General William Steffens, ordered a total mobilization.

58. Mobilization was implemented with no more than the expected number of Cashierings, executions, and minor mutinies

59. Enhance fund mobilization for anti-corruption support, championing select areas of anti-corruption and accountability initiatives.

60. Fourth, the process of state-building featured mobilization of popular support against domestic and foreign opponents.

61. The United Nations Task Force could also contribute, inter alia, through mobilization of additional sources of funding.

62. The mobilization time from the time you get approval to actual investment beginning is almost six months.

63. The continued mobilization also impedes the country’s capacity to engage fully in agricultural and other recovery activities.

64. Panel discussion on “Current issues in domestic resource mobilization for development: Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS)”

65. When it happens there is a mobilization of thought and will for voluntary participation in something worthwhile.

66. A large number of Backlashes against international courts arise from judgments that reinforce local populist mobilization narratives

67. A mobilization device adapted to be attached to a piece of conveying equipment such as a gurney.

68. The continued mobilization also impedes the country's capacity to engage fully in agricultural and other recovery activities

69. In addition, an important function relates to the resource mobilization efforts and furthering the global policy agenda

70. Mobilization became more difficult but community-based resistance against police violence, racial harassment, and other problems continued.

71. In the past different techniques had been described, using inner prepuce after mobilization to cover the penile shaft.

72. Both measures of social mobilization are used to demonstrate the contours of social movement activity in the four cases.

73. They are most effective tools for social mobilization, supporting such activities as HIV/AIDS education and immunization campaigns.

74. In addition to sufficient immobilization and strict bed rest, early exercise, physiotherapeutic and ergotherapeutic mobilization are absolutely necessary.

75. A 2010 Associated Press report also mentioned a third wing, the Monaseroun, responsible for "the mobilization of supporters."

76. We found that Accelerometric trunk sensors are suitable for recording position changes and mobilization of severely affected patients

77. At the beginning the immigrants' lack of experience and poor organization hampered mobilization, and so other workers struck first.

78. It must involve the total mobilization of the creative energies, imagination and problem-solving capacities of the entire nation.

79. One is the mobilization of a national campaign sponsored by dynamic government leaders and involving mass participation by the people.

80. Therefore ore controlling mechanism of Sidaogou gold deposit includes Au mobilization, migration passages and accumulation spaces controlled by ductile shearing.